Top of the world
This is truly one of the creepiest “haunted sites” in the area. It is situated on top of a hill off of Bath Road and is part of the Hampton Hills park owned and maintained by the Akron Metroparks. It is comprised of a farmhouse, outbuilding and barn.
While stories about this place vary, what most have in common is the appearance of a black, shadowy figure that menaces persons who venture in or around the property.
According to legend, this property was once owned by a farmer and his family, who were brutally murdered by a satanic cult. Another variation of the story has the farmer murdering his wife and two children. The farmer then hung himself in the barn. Some elements of this story overlap with the Legend of the Seven Barns.
It is also believed that the hill is actually part of a Native American burial mound, which is certainly not surprising in this area. In fact, some believe that the Black Figure is not the ghost of the murderous farmer at all, but that of a Native American wraith who guards the place and chases off others who do not belong there. A wendigo, of Native American folklore